30 workflow runsRuntime security summary
adding codeql analysis workflow for automated code security checks (#1088)CodeQL #345 | codeql.ymlabout 8 hours ago
2 Overwritten Files
adding codeql analysis workflow for automated code security checks (#1088)Scorecard supply-chain security #216 | scorecard.ymlabout 8 hours agoInsights
adding codeql analysis workflow for automated code security checksDependency Review #206 | dependency_review.ymlabout 8 hours agoInsights
adding codeql analysis workflow for automated code security checksCI for Backend #997 | ci_backend.ymlabout 8 hours agoInsights
adding codeql analysis workflow for automated code security checksCI and CD for Frontend #349 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 8 hours ago
1 Overwritten File
adding codeql analysis workflow for automated code security checksCodeQL #344 | codeql.ymlabout 8 hours ago
2 Overwritten Files
adding dividers to feedback board context menu for better organization (#1087)Scorecard supply-chain security #215 | scorecard.ymlabout 8 hours agoInsights
updating the style of context menu seperatorsCI and CD for Frontend #348 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 8 hours ago
7 Overwritten Files
updating the style of context menu seperatorsCI for Backend #996 | ci_backend.ymlabout 8 hours agoInsights
updating the style of context menu seperatorsDependency Review #205 | dependency_review.ymlabout 8 hours agoInsights
adding dividers to feedback board context menu for better organizationDependency Review #204 | dependency_review.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
adding dividers to feedback board context menu for better organizationCI for Backend #995 | ci_backend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
adding dividers to feedback board context menu for better organizationCI and CD for Frontend #347 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours ago
7 Overwritten Files
Merge branch 'main' into dphanson63-issue-519CI and CD for Frontend #346 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours ago
4 Overwritten Files
Merge branch 'main' into dphanson63-issue-519Dependency Review #203 | dependency_review.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dphanson63-issue-519CI for Backend #994 | ci_backend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/multi-76432ee86bCI for Backend #993 | ci_backend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/multi-76432ee86bCI and CD for Frontend #345 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/multi-76432ee86bDependency Review #202 | dependency_review.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
bumping jest and related types to latest versions (#1086)Scorecard supply-chain security #214 | scorecard.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
fixing jest testsCI and CD for Frontend #344 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours ago
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fixing jest testsCI for Backend #992 | ci_backend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
fixing jest testsDependency Review #201 | dependency_review.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
bumping jest and related types to latest versionsCI for Backend #991 | ci_backend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
bumping jest and related types to latest versionsDependency Review #200 | dependency_review.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
bumping jest and related types to latest versionsCI and CD for Frontend #343 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours ago
3 Overwritten Files
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/multi-8917edbed4CI and CD for Frontend #342 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/multi-8917edbed4CI for Backend #990 | ci_backend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/multi-8917edbed4Dependency Review #199 | dependency_review.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights
Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/frontend/ts-jest-29.2.6CI and CD for Frontend #341 | ci_cd_frontend.ymlabout 9 hours agoInsights